Saturday, March 18, 2023

A different tournament - of alleged protectionist measures and the ultimate winner

My tryst with infographics continues. 

This one from CATO is an insightful account of allegedly protectionist measures undertaken in the United States from tariffs to semiconductor subsidies. What is interesting is the  format - a series of measures pitted against each other as the most protectionist and a live tournament with public voting to decide the finalist and eventual winner of the most protectionist measure! Very innovative.

For someone who wants to understand different trade measures as well as general policies in the United States that impact trade, competition and imports, this infograph is a must read!

It also gives an idea of what the different interests involved in trade policy are - ultimate consumers, large businesses and small entrepreneurs. Who are the winners and losers and who gets impacted. The explanations for each of the measures do indicate a plethora of tariff measures with legislation on transport services hogging the limelight too.

What is of particular interest too is the view that stricter intellectual property rights in FTAs as well as labour and environmental provisions in bilateral agreements is more protectionist than enhancing competition. 

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