Sunday, June 16, 2024

Some random readings

 Weekend readings:

1. India and the EFTA have recently signed an FTA which has an investment chapter. I had blogged about it here. A piece by Prabhash Ranjan titled 'The Investment Chapter in the India-European Free Trade Association Free Trade Agreement:Much Ado about "Something" 'on what the investment chapter could mean and how it could be interpreted. Throws open the question on what should really be in an investment chapter of an FTA - opinions can oscillate from "there should be no chapter at all" to "bring in investment protection along with facilitation." The debate over ISDS, whether BITs really encourage foreign investment, what is the ideal BIT chapter and what one should avoid - all live and kicking questions as the world addresses the question of international investment law rule-making.

2. Ecuador's experience in arbitration and the lack of Bilateral Investment Treaties impacting foreign investment is addressed here by Valeria Arroyo in this piece in the HILJ. Throws open the fundamental question - do strong BITs foster foreign investment? Is there a strong co-relation between the two?

3. The CATO Institute has an interesting series on globalization and its prospects here. How do the theories of globalization transcend into international rule making? How have approaches of the major powers towards globalization and opening up influenced the interest in multilateralism and growth in trade?

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