Monday, September 2, 2013

New team, new hopes?

The new WTO chief, Roberto Azevedo took over yesterday. 

The WTO announcement is here. And the welcome address concluded thus:
"Governments do have regional or bilateral trade negotiating options. But I have never heard a trade negotiator from any country say that these options were preferable to a global deal through the WTO. A global deal encompasses more countries and more segments of economic activity than any regional accord could possibly deliver. But if we are to help build a multilateral path forward, all 159 members must work together to deliver in Bali. 
I believe that a deal can be struck despite the short time we have between now and Bali. I shall do everything I can to see that agreement is reached. But there is no such thing as a sure thing, and a great deal of work and commitment are required in the coming weeks if we are to succeed. 
I look forward to your continued interest and engagement in the WTO."
Bali and post Bali developments awaited. 

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