Sunday, February 3, 2013

Traditional hierarchies and globalization - More thoughts

I have written a few posts on globalization and traditional caste hierarchies in the context of India here and more recently referring to Anand Teltumde's piece. How is globalization, freer markets and modern capitalism seen by hitherto disadvantaged groups within the country, especially the intelligentsia? There are two opposing views - one that reposes faith in globalization and capitalism as a way for lower castes to get out of their traditional roles and embrace modernity while the other argues that globalization would further marginalize the lower castes and only a few would benefit. While the former looks at free markets as an emancipatory tool, the latter views it as exploitative.

Chandrabhan Prasad and Milind Kamble definitely hold the former view and it is expressed in their latest piece in the Times of India wherein they call for a "Manifesto to end caste" by pushing for more industrialization and capitalism. 
"Capital is the surest means to fight caste. In dalits' hands, capital becomes an anti-caste weapon; little wonder that the traditional caste code prohibits dalits from accumulating wealth.Dalit capitalism is the answer to that regime of discrimination. The manifesto demands promotion of dalit capitalism through a variety of means - procurement, credit options and partnerships"

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